
Monday Jan 09, 2017
GI Joburg Episode 79: Rogue One
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Happy 2017 GI Joburg friends! We did it last year with The Force Awakens, so we guess it's a tradition now! But hey, don't we have Star Wars to thank for our beloved GI Joe toyline after all? Rogue One tops the agenda. We talk toys, the film, even a bit of conspiracy theory. Black-clad action figures feature in our definitive sculpt section. And of course, a little bit of the indomitable Carrie Fisher.
"General? To me she's royalty."
Version: 20241125
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I'm more inline with Cujo on this. 🍻🇺🇸
Thursday May 09, 2019
And Disney didn't come up with naming a planet after a middle East city though. Lucas did that through the Clone Wars with Mygeeto(Meggido) and Felicia(Felujah). And the EU has always called the planet that makes star destroyers Kuat. But Lucas was saying these middle eastern places are in bed with the tyrannically corrupted Empire. Which isn't saying the US is evil but the current administration is. And he was saying this during Bush and Obama. He sold before Trump and Disney is anti American and is anti Trump so they're making everything propaganda against US.
Thursday May 09, 2019
Disney is totally trying to make ISIS look like they're the good guys and the US is the great Satan. It's called sedition and I don't get why our government hasn't done anything about it yet.
Thursday May 09, 2019
I wish box office sales accounted for multiple tickets bought and adjusted for population growth. Because Disney will keep getting to say we made the highest grossing films. We made more than Lucas. Who set the bar and established the way films have been made since SW.
Thursday May 09, 2019
And that whole corridor scene is almost a straight rip off of Tetsuo's scene in Akira when he's leaving the military hospital. That's where they got that idea. And that's lame as hell to see a clearly anime reference in SW. The one complaint I have about the Prequels is all the designs that Leeland Chee clearly ripped off of Nausicaa (anime film). It's like he's still there injecting his specific anime loves into SW and they're way too overt if you ask me. Same with them ripping off the Eu despite saying they needed creative freedom. Creative as in creating a new way to not pay an artist for their work.
Thursday May 09, 2019
We didn't have to wait till 2016 to see Vader do cool shit. He was doing cool shit all in the EU and in the prequels. So if you count film only for some odd reason it's 2002 for AOTC when he fights Christopher Lee as Tyrannus(Dooku). Him killing and he sand people is also cool in the sense that we start to see him slip toward the dark side. The only people mad about the Prequels were the ones that wanted a TFA style of "action" film instead of Lucas's idea of a Flash Gordon styled sci fi space opera. Rob basically says it in this episode that of course if you negate all this existing canon you can say and make all sorts of claims like Disney. But it's like taking out the file cards, comics, and cartoon for Joe's and saying they're not canon the films are. That's not how canon works. 🤣
Thursday May 09, 2019
To say the Expanded Universe (which includes the games) isn't canon anymore is inaccurate. Disney is a fan company that wanted Star Wars and because they have more money than any other fan they were able to buy it from Lucas, who only sold it because of people whinging on about the Prequels raping their childhoods. But Disney buying it is the same as a fan buying it. So anything they make is their fan fiction of Star Wars. They can call it official or canon but truth is that it's fan fiction. Lucas already dictated what the canon is and how the films Trump the EU but that the EU is an official continuation of his saga. All that 'oh he hated the EU or never considered it canon" is Disney damage control that came out AFTER the sale and then disregarding the EU canon. Lucas on a video, so easily verifiable, says that the novels handled the post ROTJ story. So Disney makes fan fiction, and the EU is and always will be the canon. 🍻
Thursday May 09, 2019
Krennic is a Thrawn rip off. 🤦🏻♂️
Thursday May 09, 2019
Yeah they toned the feminism down for release but it's still there.
Thursday May 09, 2019
The star destroyer cutting the other one in half was lame and unrealistic.
Thursday May 09, 2019
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