Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 119: Definitive Law
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
The boys keep it breezy on this one with a bit of community news, some non-news about Solo, what toys the boys hope to grab at JoeCon, and a definitive section devoted to LAW! Join us for a spot of light fun! And if you haven't heard it already, catch Steve as he guests on Joe On Joe Podcast!
Our official GI Joburg T-shirts are currently being printed! If you want an exclusive T or two and help the boys with their JoeCon journey, please consider heading down to our Go Fund Me before the campaign is deadder than disco! But seriously, don't miss out on the cool incentives because this is the only time they will be offered!
Tuesday May 22, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 118: Vehicle Seating Assignments
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Ever since we owned our first vehicle an eternal question has plagued us: who sits where? How do you decide? Cartoon or comic book appearances? Filecard info? Personal preference? Colour scheme?!?
The Joburg boys are joined by JD Onesi of General Geekery Podcast, one of the most well-versed GI Joe geeks out there, to decide on the best personel for some of their favourite vehicles. We also start getting hyped about JoeCon and the recent release of our final Atlantis Factor episode. And if you donate $5 or more to our Go Fund Me before the end of Sunday the 27th of May 2018, you get to decide who features in our next web series!
General Geekery Podcast:
GI Joburg GoFundMe:
Wednesday May 16, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 117: Movie Pitching with Joe On Joe
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Tonight on Joe On Joe... er, GI JOBURG, we chat with Joe Slepski of the Joe On Joe Podcast! Everything from Avengers Infinity War to the announcement of the Snake Eyes solo movie come under the spotlight. And the team manage to settle on at least one ideal pitch for a GI Joe comic or film. We can dream, right?
Joe has a fantastic podcast that if you don't already subscribe to, you really should!
And JoeCon looms! We're getting close to our goal... and the cuttoff! Will we make it?! If you have a few bucks to spare please consider our JoeFundMe! Thanks gang.
Tuesday May 08, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 116: Hall of Shame
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Dual topic on this show! GI Joburg discuss their personal fave picks of the unexpected FSS 8.0. And then we introduce the GI Joburg HALL OF SHAME! Not every toy released under the Joe banner was a winner and in this episode the boys introduce their LEAST favourite figures, vehicles, and concepts from their beloved toyline. Rob and Steve have been hitting the bottle and Paul's head is always swimming in paint fumes so prep thyself for... shenanigans.
And hey! As always, if you have a few bucks lying spare, we're drawing closer to our goal and you can be a part of this awesome JoeCon success story! Aaaand score some exclusive Joburg merch. Check us out at:
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 115: The Silent Castle
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Steve is in Romania of all places! It's the home of Dracula and and some of the creepiest castles around! So what better opportunity to talk about GI Joe's very own Silent Castle and it's role in the mythology? Take a trip with us as we engage in some operations deep inside Eastern Europe...
And it's getting down to the wire for our JoeCon 2018 GoFundMe! Will the South Africans make it to their first JoeCon in June this year? If you like what we do and you're in a position to help out, please check our campaign over at www.gofundme.com/gijoburg-joecon2018
Thanks gang, and Yo Joe!
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 114: Modern Era Must-Haves
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
We did it for the Vintage 1982-1994 A Real American Hero toyline, it's only natural we follow it up with a "Modern Era" one... Presenting the "No-Ring" Buyer's Guide! The members of GI Joburg have each compiled their top 10 must-have Joes, top 10 must-have Cobras, and top 5 modern vehicles from each team produced post 25th Anniversary! If you're looking to start collecting the modern figures - this podcast will get you off to the right start! And if you are already in possession of a fabulous amount of Modern Era Joes, compile a list of your own and compare tastes with Steve, Paul, Rob and Cujo! What FUNNNNN!
And if you're in a position to help GI Joburg get to JoeCon 2018, here's our JoeFundMe link:
Yo Joe (Burg), everybody!
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 113 Epilogue: The WonderCon Filecards
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Presenting the WonderCon Filecards! If Episode 113 left you scratching your head, we now shed some light! Cujo interviews persons of GI Joe interest from the Convention and boy do they give some great answers!
Oh, and our Joe Fund Me campaign keeps marching on! We only need another 35% to meet our goal!
If you want to track down the tunes we play, check them out on SoundCloud!
Friday Mar 30, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 113: Tales From WonderCon 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Hey Joburgers! So Cujo went to WonderCon last weekend and he's just bursting with stories he'd like to share, including a brushing with a man EVERY fan of GI Joe: A Real American Hero owe a great debt to... 'nuff said!
Also, Steve drops some sneak peek info on the next installment of The Atlantis Factor; and the debate rages as to who the best Cobra pilot is: Wild Weasel or Strato Viper? Check the GI Joburg Twitter or Facebook Group for the poll!
And if you're in a generous mood, please consider throwing some bucks at our Go Fund Me to get GI Joburg to JoeCon 2018!
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 112: Vintage Must-Have Toys
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Rob, Paul, Steve and Cujo are gonna shove their opinions down your throat! If you just so happened to NOT be in possession of the greatest toys in the universe, join us as we run down a list of the top 10 vintage Joes and Cobras, and top 5 vehicles from each team YOU MUST OWN! There will be blood. And it will be from your haemmoraging credit card. AND if you already have the greatest toys in the universe, and you love this show, maybe you can part with some sheckles to help us get to JoeCon 2018!
Friday Mar 02, 2018
GI Joburg Episode 111: Black Panther
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
So Black Panther is a thing... the boys have one or two opinions on it they would like to share. But we've also got some exciting news to discuss with regards to the Joe Fund Me campaign, and also a discussion of the most recent YouTube adventure: Atlantis Factor Part 2 Featuring the Moray! So even if you feel like the movie hype is a little played out, there are a few other reasons to give this episode a spin. Not least of which because you love us, and we looove you!